2nd ENHANCE Summer School on Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI)

CHALMERS University of Technology invites students from all ENHANCE universities to the second edition of the ENHANCE Summer School on Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI).
To be eligible to apply, the students must be enrolled at:
- master’s level and have completed at least one semester
- or doctoral level and have completed at least two semesters
and have at least one semester left of their studies at one of the ENHANCE partner universities before the start of the Summer School.
A CEFR B2 English proficiency level is expected, although no formal certificate is required.
D E A D L I N E F O R A P P L I C A T I O N: 2 4 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 3
The applications must be submitted to Milena Gołofit-Stawińska: milena.stawinska@pw.edu.pl
Details about the summer school and application ⇒
Information about the 1st edition of the SEI ⇒